Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thursday-Saturday, Jan 29-31

Thursday didn’t start off the best, but slowly got better throughout the day. We had to wake up at 4:30 in the morning because we were leaving at 5 to go hike up Masada and watch the sunrise.  Really, the only crappy part about the morning was waking up so early and having to hike up a mountain while being really sick. But, watching the sunrise was pretty worth it. It was beautiful. After being on top of Masada for a while, we left to our day’s next activity – a jeep safari! I don’t know why they call it a “jeep” safari, because we definitely weren’t in a jeep. It was more like…the front of a small semi with part of a section of a bus at Disney World – completely open with lots of rows in it. It’s kind of hard to describe, but I hope you can get somewhat of an idea of what it looked like. Anyway, they picked us up at Masada and we were off, driving all over the Judean wilderness, going places a car should never be able to drive. A definite highlight was having lunch in the middle of a desert, overlooking a monastery that was in a crack in between two mountains. How many people can say they’ve done that?! Pretty cool stuff… So our safari lasted about 6 hours and needless to say, we were glad when it was over. Our butts were hurting from sitting for so long and our bodies were freezing from the cold wind blowing in the open car. But, it was definitely an amazing experience. That ended our 12th day of our trip (10th day of actual touring), and that night got a much-needed 12 hours of sleep that night!

Friday, I was a bum. Not much more is needed to be said. =]  The only thing I did was go get lunch with some friends at a place called “Burger Bar”. Kosher burgers, of course. It was actually really really good though, and even though the waiters could barely speak English, one of them just happened to know enough to tell me that I had a beautiful smile. Crazy when that happens. Haha! Friday night we had our second Shabbat service. It wasn’t as intense as last week’s service, but it still touched me. One of my friends actually spoke for a couple minutes about how God tells us to be the salt of the earth and she said some things that really caught my attention. Not too long after service, I went to bed and got another much-needed great night of sleep.

Today has been a lot like yesterday, in the way that I’ve been a bum most of the day. Other than eating breakfast and lunch and meeting with my group for 2 hours, I’ve just been catching up on this blog, writing the events of the past 5 days. Tonight we’re going to the Myer’s church again, so I’m pretty excited for that! All in all, it has been a crazy busy week. I will do better at writing in my blog each night, rather than waiting 3 or more days and then having to write a ton! Haha! Thank you for everyone's prayers for my safety and health. I am feeling a million times better than I have been the past few days and I think whatever I had has finally passed. Love you and hope all is well back at home!


  1. Amazing stuff. I'm really glad you're feeling better. It's great you got to enjoy the Dead Sea this time. I think the last time, you blew out my ear drums screaming! So, I have to ask, are you saying that Grandpa's are old looking and don't follow the rules????:)

    I loved your poem, and that you're getting to experience so many amazing things. Getting to watch the sun rise over Jerusalem alone can be a life changing experience.

    It's very exciting to see God working so powerfully in your life. I know He's got even more to do in you in His land.

    I love you....


  2. No apologies necessary ever for only updating when you have the chance. You are there to learn, first and foremost, and you have been sick and have needed to rest, so though we long for your updates, there is no pressure to do that anymore than you physically can.

    I wake up praying for you almost nightly between 2-4 am. I don't mind. I'm just glad the Lord wakes me up to cover you ; ) Have a blessed day!
