Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a long day of walking!

Today was a day filled with lots of walking and so much history that I felt my brain was going to explode! We did a walking tour throughout the city of Jerusalem - both the old city within the walls, and the outer, more modern Jerusalem. Our tour guide for this week, Kenny, is probably one of the most knowledgeable human beings I've ever met! He talked literally nonstop the entire tour. He's a pretty interesting guy too.. he's a cajun Hebrew, born and raised as a Jew in Louisiana, and moved to Israel as part of the Zionist movement, and now lives in a Kibbutz. I don't know the exact definition of what a Kibbutz is, but what I got out of his explanation was that it's an Israeli settlement that can have a range from 15-1000 members, and has a big sense of community. Anyway, one of the places we went today was the Tower of David Museum. It took a while to get all the way through, but was way cool. I just tried to upload a picture I took of a view from a high point from the museum, but it won't upload.. =[  So I'll just have to give a description. In the picture, it shows part of the museum, the Tower of David, the city walls, and the first neighborhood built outside of the walls of Jerusalem. It's pretty cool.. I was also going to put a picture of me standing by part of the city wall. Just by looking at me compared to the wall, the size of the wall is crazy! Unlike anything I've ever seen! After that picture was taken, we went through Jaffa gate and into the old city. While inside the old city, not only did we walk around and go to the museum, but we got to walk on the top of the wall around Jerusalem! It was one of the coolest things ever. To one side, there was the old city and to the other, the new. Towards the end of the tour, we went and saw the upper room and King David's tomb. But, Kenny said these places weren't exactly 100% accurate, so more than likely it wasn't actually the upper room where the last supper was held and the holy spirit came down, and it wasn't King David's real tomb. Haha! Oh well, it was still cool to see. 
Overall, it was a long but informative day. I wish I was able to upload these pictures, but I guess I'll just upload them on Facebook when I have time next. =]  As for now, I'm going to attempt to go to bed. It's a little past 1AM here and unfortunately, I'm not a single bit tired.. I'm about to try to conquer the huge monster on my shoulder named jet lag. Please pray that I will get over it very soon!
I love all of you very much! Night!


  1. So, so cool! I can picture myself in the places you mentioned and remember being there. Can't wait for pictures! Love you, Mom

  2. Julie, first you need to make sure that the images you are trying to post are saved on your computer. Then when you go to create a new post you are going to press the "add image" button which is 3rd from the right. When you do that you will then select the image you want to upload, the size (i usually choose medium) and the layout. After you do that you press the "upload image" button and it will input the code into your post. It may take a few min to upload depending on the size of the image file. It's good to hear that you are having a fun time, if you need anymore help let me know. Luv U!!!


  3. I'm so excited for you Julie! I loved walking the wall...

    I'd suggest Tylenol PM to help with the sleep and jet lag. It's what i've always taken when I travel Internationally.

    Enjoy the Golan Heights, Tel Dan and Caesarea Phillipi today...some of my favorite spots. A lot of driving though...

    Love you...and really like the updates,

