Sunday, January 18, 2009

Leavin on a jet plane

So it's 4:57 AM and I'm finishing up last minute items before I leave! My mom, Matt and I are leaving at 5:30 for the airport because my flight is off at early start to a very long day. I cannot wait to tell y'all about all my fun adventures! Pray for safety and I'll update when I get to the Holy Land! Much love.


  1. Glad to have made your acquaintance from me for the graphic design visited

  2. Sweet Girl, I have been praying for you through the night. I'm excited for the journey which awaits you. Give yourself anew and afresh to the Lord and His purposes on a daily basis because each place you visit will bring forth a different aspect of Christ and His life here on earth for you to experience. Receive all the Lord has for you and don't be afraid by the emotional response you are likely to have in various places. Ask the Lord to reveal to you life purposes and life plans while away. He is faithful. Ask Him to sustain you physically as I am doing the same. I love you so very much and am so proud you have taken this step. Looking forward to your updates.


  3. Shalom girl! You're going to have so much fun!
    Learn to say "Yom tov". It means good day. People usually say it as a greeting (besides shalom) or when departing.
    Yom tov, Tracy ;-)
