Monday, February 9, 2009

February 9

Today was a kind of uneventful day. It started off by having a lecture with a professor from Jerusalem University about Islam. We learned about Islam’s background and the similarities and differences between Muslims, Jews, and Christians. The lecture was interesting in some parts, but I felt like I was in class again…different from what I’ve been used to recently! Haha! We got out of the lecture around 10 and I went to the market with some friends from then till about 12 noon. We had to be back at the house to go to the Rockefeller Museum. It was cool to see all the things in the museum, but many of us had a really short attention span at this time. =]  Needless to say, we weren’t there for too long. After dinner, we had a debrief over the lecture with the Professor from Jerusalem University and Dr. Hemby spoke about the three religions, saying things that really stirred my heart. He said that Christianity is not just another world religion. A religion always trys to work it’s way into God’s favor, but we don’t have to do that because of the resurrection of Jesus. All the work has been done for us because Jesus is alive. Examples of why Judaism and Muslim are considered religions is in the way Jews go to the Western Wall to pray and Muslims pray at a specific time, 5 times a day. He said that what we do, we do not to gain God’s favor, but because we have favor already. He made two points that really touched me and made me think. He said that 1. It’s impossible for God to love us any more than He loves us right now, and 2. God loves everyone else on the planet just as much as He loves us. I obviously knew this before, but after being in this land and becoming more acquainted with these cultures, I’ve taken a new outlook on these people. Like most of this trip has been, I’ve learned and grown so much here. SO, after another pretty easy day, I’m now here writing to each one of you. I can’t believe that I’ve already been here for almost 3.5 weeks and only have 12 days left here… It has definitely been an incredible experience for me. I don’t necessarily want to leave, but am starting to get to the point where I’m ready to come home. It will absolutely be a bittersweet emotion when I have to come home.

 As an extension of when I spoke about writing my Psalm, here it is. It’s not like most of my writings, but it’s what God was speaking to my heart that day as I was sitting cliff-side in En Gedi, looking out onto the Dead Sea. I hope you enjoy!

As I look out at this body of water,

I can’t help but think about the beauty of all your creations.

Even though this sea may be called dead,

You have made all things beautiful.

You have made all things for a purpose,

These mountains,

That sea,

This sun,



Not until now have I realized how much you love me,

And how much you want my love.

Not until now have I truly listened to the sound

Of your deep, soothing voice

Softly whispering my name.

Give me the strength to follow your voice;

To hang on to each word with every ounce of my soul.


With each gust of wind, I feel you hold me.

With each crash of the waves, I hear your voice.

With each sparkle of the water, I see you smile at the sight of my face.

You are my father, the one who comforts me through it all.

You are my one and only, the one who will never let me down.

You are my love, the one desire of my heart.

Make me; mold me, Oh Yeshua, my Lord.


Much love from the Holy Land! <3


  1. I am blown away by your growth and maturity. Your Psalm is AMAZING! You are AMAZING! It's also bitter sweet for me to have you be there, knowing the experience you are having, but missing you so much. I can hardly wait to see you and hear ALL the stories about what you experienced and what God did in your life. I love you and miss you,


  2. Precious one, your Psalm is such a beautiful reflection of your heart and the truths God speaks over you. I, too, have bittersweet emotions concerning your time in Israel coming to a close. In many ways, I wish you had the entire semester there to continue soaking in God's presence and hearing His voice and walking in His footpaths. I don't want this important time for you to come to an end, but know that what God begins, He is fully capable of completing even back here at home. I'm so very proud of you and all that you are allowing the Lord to do in you and through you. You are an amazing woman of God and I am proud to be your mother, friend and sister in the Lord. Take in all that you can for the next 12 days. Continue to immerse yourself in the Lord and in His land. Begin asking Him for specifics on your future (that in the coming year and that in the distant future) and ask Him to impart to you all that He wants you to have before you leave His land. He will do this but our part is to ask, and to have an open heart to receive. I love you so much. We'll talk soon. Love, Mom

  3. Julie, I keep forgetting to tell you that Mimi is reading and keeping up with your blog but hasn't been able to post. I promised her I would tell you because it's important to her that you know she is loving it!

  4. Happy Valentine's Day baby girl. I love you and miss you.

